by Jenna Ryan "dotJenna"
One of the most common issues for people who join network
marketing is the tendency to give up once things get difficult. People
come into the business gung-ho, ready to tackle the world, then as soon
as they come to realize their own limitations, they become discouraged
and feel like giving up.
In my minds eye, I see levels of Personal Development that each of my new recruits are standing in when they sign-up on day one... It's like rungs of a ladder reaching up into the clouds, up to their goals, dreams, desires and visions. Each of the rungs must be mastered before the recruit can progress to the next level. It seems everyone wants success, but not everyone is willing, or prepared to take the steps on the ladder that are required to get there.
One of the first rungs on the ladder is BELIEF that you CAN and WILL achieve, and that you'll do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. You must step-up firmly on the Rung of Belief before you can take the next step, and the next and the next. You must pass this "test" so to speak, before you can go any higher in life--inside or outside of the network marketing business.
The Rung of Belief
You see, results are dependent on your actions, and your actions are guided by your internal beliefs. The things you choose to do when you BELIEVE you can accomplish something is opposite of the actions you will take when you doubt yourself. The Rung of Belief is the rudder that causes you to take action to achieve your goals. You must step up on The Rung of Belief if you wish to achieve success in any endeavor.
As you can see, firm footing on the Rung of Belief is a valuable asset. This posture, or position, if you will, keeps you motivated to take the right actions at the right times to ensure that you will live up to your own expectations of success. Unfortunately, many obstacles block our ability to step into belief in ourselves; including self-doubt, fears, insecurities and self-sabotage.
How to Step Up Onto the Rung of Belief
Stepping up onto the Rung of Belief is crucial, and can't be overlooked. You have to do what it takes to get positioned on this rung so that you can move onward and upward to achieving success. Here are five suggestions for getting past your own fear, doubt and unbelief.
1. Stay plugged-in. Stay plugged-into the source of your business at all costs. Make a sacrifice to attend trainings, make an effort to connect with your leaders and mentors. Just like iron sharpens iron, being around other people who believe in themselves and who believe in you can help you believe in yourself.
2. Seek counsel. Many times we just need to talk to someone about our insecurities. Just sharing how we feel inadequate is liberating enough to help us sort through our own thoughts, and help to reset our mind to the truth--that we can and will make it to the top. Talking about your doubts and then listening and acting upon the advice of your leaders and support system is a way to get your needs met. When your needs are not met, you feel powerless, worthless and your belief wains. When your needs are met, you feel powerful, valuable and ready to conquer the world.
3. Soak in positive messages.Your position on the Rung of Belief can be bolstered greatly by staying immersed in positive messages. Get hold of training audios, videos, books, or articles from positive, motivational people. Find mentors that have overcome the obstacles that are in your way and who can motivate your heart to believe in yourself more and more every day.
4. Know your obstacles. Examine your own heart to figure out what the obstacles are that are blocking you from being able to believe in yourself. Perhaps there are people in your life who are holding you back? Maybe you were misled as a child and told you will never accomplish anything? Maybe you are afraid of failing, so you stay in your comfort zone? Maybe you are afraid of success, so you procrastinate and sabotage yourself? Finding the source of your disbelief is key to overcoming the obstacle. "You can't fix what you don't face."
5. Pray & meditate. There are some things that you just cannot do on your own. You need your higher power and your higher self to do it for you. There is wisdom and revelation available to you from God, and from your own subconscious that will help you to untangle the knots of self-limiting beliefs. There are keys to helping you overcome your limitations within the realm of prayer and meditation. Take time to seek answers from the wisdom that is in your own soul and spirit. Your success is just a belief away.
So there you have it! The Rung of Belief. This is a crucial point for any person to get past if you want to succeed in life. For many people, belief in oneself is easy at first, but then, when you reach your own limitations, that belief starts to slip and you fall off the ladder. My suggestion is to stay plugged into the source of your endeavor--in the case of network marketing, that means your team, your company trainings and meetings, to talk to your mentors, soak in positive messages, get to know yourself by defining your obstacles, and pray and meditate for higher wisdom. If you can muster the courage to take these actions, then you will find yourself firmly planted on the Rung of Belief, ready to take that next step toward your destiny.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
In my minds eye, I see levels of Personal Development that each of my new recruits are standing in when they sign-up on day one... It's like rungs of a ladder reaching up into the clouds, up to their goals, dreams, desires and visions. Each of the rungs must be mastered before the recruit can progress to the next level. It seems everyone wants success, but not everyone is willing, or prepared to take the steps on the ladder that are required to get there.
One of the first rungs on the ladder is BELIEF that you CAN and WILL achieve, and that you'll do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals. You must step-up firmly on the Rung of Belief before you can take the next step, and the next and the next. You must pass this "test" so to speak, before you can go any higher in life--inside or outside of the network marketing business.
The Rung of Belief
- An acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.
- Something one accepts as true or real; a firmly held opinion or conviction.
You see, results are dependent on your actions, and your actions are guided by your internal beliefs. The things you choose to do when you BELIEVE you can accomplish something is opposite of the actions you will take when you doubt yourself. The Rung of Belief is the rudder that causes you to take action to achieve your goals. You must step up on The Rung of Belief if you wish to achieve success in any endeavor.
As you can see, firm footing on the Rung of Belief is a valuable asset. This posture, or position, if you will, keeps you motivated to take the right actions at the right times to ensure that you will live up to your own expectations of success. Unfortunately, many obstacles block our ability to step into belief in ourselves; including self-doubt, fears, insecurities and self-sabotage.
How to Step Up Onto the Rung of Belief
Stepping up onto the Rung of Belief is crucial, and can't be overlooked. You have to do what it takes to get positioned on this rung so that you can move onward and upward to achieving success. Here are five suggestions for getting past your own fear, doubt and unbelief.
1. Stay plugged-in. Stay plugged-into the source of your business at all costs. Make a sacrifice to attend trainings, make an effort to connect with your leaders and mentors. Just like iron sharpens iron, being around other people who believe in themselves and who believe in you can help you believe in yourself.
2. Seek counsel. Many times we just need to talk to someone about our insecurities. Just sharing how we feel inadequate is liberating enough to help us sort through our own thoughts, and help to reset our mind to the truth--that we can and will make it to the top. Talking about your doubts and then listening and acting upon the advice of your leaders and support system is a way to get your needs met. When your needs are not met, you feel powerless, worthless and your belief wains. When your needs are met, you feel powerful, valuable and ready to conquer the world.
3. Soak in positive messages.Your position on the Rung of Belief can be bolstered greatly by staying immersed in positive messages. Get hold of training audios, videos, books, or articles from positive, motivational people. Find mentors that have overcome the obstacles that are in your way and who can motivate your heart to believe in yourself more and more every day.
4. Know your obstacles. Examine your own heart to figure out what the obstacles are that are blocking you from being able to believe in yourself. Perhaps there are people in your life who are holding you back? Maybe you were misled as a child and told you will never accomplish anything? Maybe you are afraid of failing, so you stay in your comfort zone? Maybe you are afraid of success, so you procrastinate and sabotage yourself? Finding the source of your disbelief is key to overcoming the obstacle. "You can't fix what you don't face."
5. Pray & meditate. There are some things that you just cannot do on your own. You need your higher power and your higher self to do it for you. There is wisdom and revelation available to you from God, and from your own subconscious that will help you to untangle the knots of self-limiting beliefs. There are keys to helping you overcome your limitations within the realm of prayer and meditation. Take time to seek answers from the wisdom that is in your own soul and spirit. Your success is just a belief away.
So there you have it! The Rung of Belief. This is a crucial point for any person to get past if you want to succeed in life. For many people, belief in oneself is easy at first, but then, when you reach your own limitations, that belief starts to slip and you fall off the ladder. My suggestion is to stay plugged into the source of your endeavor--in the case of network marketing, that means your team, your company trainings and meetings, to talk to your mentors, soak in positive messages, get to know yourself by defining your obstacles, and pray and meditate for higher wisdom. If you can muster the courage to take these actions, then you will find yourself firmly planted on the Rung of Belief, ready to take that next step toward your destiny.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
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