One of the most difficult aspects of presenting opportunities to other people is the potential for rejection. Sometimes the FEAR of rejection is more painful than the actual rejection itself. This fear keeps people from stepping out and doing what they need to do--and that is so sad, because just on the other side of that fear... I'm talking, just a few moments of discomfort away, there is a bliss, and a confidence, and a level of success that overcomes all doubt...
It is in the overcoming of fear, that you reach success... THAT IS WHERE SUCCESS LIVES. JUST BEYOND YOUR FEARS...
<h2>10 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Rejection</h2>
<h3>1. Focus on the outcome.</h3>
If you want to win at anything in life, you must see yourself winning first. Only when you see yourself in the winners section can you achieve anything worthwhile. Instead of focusing on what you fear, keep your eye on the prize. In sports, this is the same thing as keeping your eye on the ball...
<h3>2. Get plugged in.</h3>
Surround yourself with positive, can-do people. In WorldVentures, this means, get around people who are actually doing this thing and making it happen. This means going to the events, the local presentations and meetings. There is something magical that happens when you are in the presence of others who have overcame the obstacles and are willing to share their spark and knowledge with you...
<h3>3. Review your why.</h3>
Why are you doing this business? Why did you sign-up in the first place? Your why is your #1 fuel for persevering when the going gets tough. Rejection can sting, but if your reason why is big enough, the temporary feeling of being uncomfortable are worth it. Keep your "why" in sight at all times. Don't forget why you want to be financially free...
<h3>4. Ask yourself, what's the worse that could happen?</h3>
Sometimes the only thing standing the way between you and your ideal life is a feeling. Your feelings will trick you if you're not aware of how your mind works. Rise above your feelings by putting things in perspective and thinking logically. Ask yourself what is the worst thing that would happen if you are rejected, and then ask yourself if that really is so bad... Usually our fears are way worse than reality. Consider facts, not fiction.
<h3>5. Fill your mind with positive material.</h3>
One of the best things to do when you are feeling fearful of going for your dreams and goals is to listen to positive audios and/or read positive books. Fill your mind with stories of people who overcame their fear of rejection. Get your hands on audios of people in our biz who are rocking this thing, like Bethany Webster, Johnny Wimbrey or Matt Morris. Listen to their testimonies. Get motivational books like, "Think & Grow Rich" and "The Power of Positive Thinking." Keep this stuff nearby as a boost for when you're feeling low. It will change your life!
<h3>6. Stop people pleasing.</h3>
The fear of rejection is strong in the human psyche. We all want to belong. We all want to fit in, however, there comes a time when you have to do what you've got to do to get where you want to go. In your doing, some people may not like you. That's okay. Not everyone will like you in this world, no matter what you do. There comes a point in your life where you have to decide if you're willing to settle for a mediocre life in order to please others, or are you going to take the risk that standing up and being your own person that success always requires?
<h3>7. Take your eyes off yourself.</h3>
If you are overwhelmed with fears of rejection in our business, then chances are, you are focusing too much on yourself. This is not about you! Yes, you will benefit as your team expands, but there is more to the story. You are helping people gain time and financial freedom. What you have to offer has the potential to radically change that person's life. While you're holding back from sharing our opportunity with them for fear of rejection, they are missing out on the chance to find out about how they can change their life for the better forever. When you think of it that way, fearing rejection kinda makes you seem selfish, doesn't it?
<h3>8. Detach from the outcome.</h3>
One of the top bits of advice I've heard from our top leaders is the need to detach yourself from the outcome of the presentation. If you expose someone to our opportunity, it doesn't matter whether they accept or reject it. It's not about you personally, but simply a decision that they have made. Woopity poop!?! Some people can't see the whole opportunity the moment it's presented. It takes others time to let everything soak in. It's nothing personal about you at all. It's merely a question of DID YOU SHOW IT? Did you give them an opportunity to say yes or no? If you did, then you did your job, and that's all that matters.
<h3>9. Embrace your fear.</h3>
Fear is an interesting emotion, don't you think? I've spent my whole life running from fear. In fact, this pesky devil has stopped me in zillions of ways. Fear. What is it? Have you ever stopped to ask? How does it make your body feel? My chest tightens up and my shoulders rise and scrunch. What sort of thoughts cross your mind? I usually start freaking out with rapid-fire thoughts blazing like a wildfire. One thing that really helps me to overcome my fear is to face it. Acknowledge it. Define it. Notice when it's taking over my body and my mind, and then to accept it for what it is. I'm no longer afraid of fear. It's just a feeling, and I am much more than that. So are you. :)
<h3>10. Expose yourself to what you fear.</h3>
The best way to overcome fear is through action. Therapists who help rid people of phobias actually go with people to face what they're afraid of. If you were afraid of flying, then the therapist would go with you on the airplane. If you were afraid of heights, then you may go on a roller coaster. The best way to overcome your fear is to persevere in spite of the fear you feel. When you realize that your fears were unfounded, that you will not immediately keel over when someone rejects you, then you become more confident and conditioned to plow ahead without worrying what other people think or do.
I can personally attest. There is nothing in the world like the feeling of knowing that you were afraid to step out, that you felt uncomfortable, that things seemed dismal for a moment, but that you PERSEVERED. That you did what you needed to do despite your feelings of fear... That even though you were filled with doubt, that you did it anyway...
And then, BAM!!! Your fears were wrong, and you actually made progress... I tell you, there is no comparison to that feeling!!! It is self-perpetuating. The feeling you get when you face your fear and overcome the obstacles, and overcome your doubts that is exhilarating. The feeling of getting it done despite your negative feelings is FUEL for success. It's a natural high!!!
If you want to overcome your fear... if you want to go beyond your present circumstances, you MUST overcome fear. You can feel fear, that's gonna happen, but if you want to become great in this life, and move beyond where you are, and to a higher level, you've got to feel the fear and do it anyway. Your DESTINY is waiting on the other side. Trust me.
To Your Success,
Jenna Ryan